Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Small Update...

Well it has been a long time since I posted on here! I dutifully took lot's of pictures over the summer... all of them blurry and out of focus.

The summer went by far too quickly.
We had an illness in the family which, took up quite a bit of our summer. Finally, in the last few weeks, I had time for my kids but.. we really did very little. I found myself wishing that we could have just a couple of more weeks together before school began.

As usual, a lot of our time was spent at soccer and baseball. I was glad when it was all over. I LOVE watching my kids.. but the crap that comes along with Seb coaching two teams takes its toll on our family. Literally, from May to September he is either at work or soccer. So, I'm happy that is done for another year.

Since our oldest son Joe turned 20 this year (WHAAAA???)...he is now playing in a Men's league. Which, is a whole other ball game from Youth. The second week, he had his big toe broken.. then over the course of the summer, he had both ankles taken out. (by the same asshole team that should be ashamed of themselves!). But like I said.. it's an adult men's team and Mummy running out onto the field to yell at the big a-hole jerk that hurt her kid is generally frowned upon. (by the son).  :)

He also did his first "ride along". You may remember that Joe would like to be a police officer. A friend of ours is a cop and just recently started back on the road so he offered to take Joe along with him one Friday night this past summer. Of course Joe loved it and had a great time. We've lived in the same town for his whole life-it's not a very big town.. but he said.. "Mum, I was on streets I've never been on and saw people I've never seen before".   Let's just say I think he realizes how sheltered we've kept him. (he'd like to believe he's street smart).
Anyhow.. he's now in his second year of college and still loving it.
Unfortunately, one of his close friends was killed at the end of the summer. Joe had known and gone to school with Andy since he was 2 years old. They started pre-school together all the way up to grade 12. About a week before he died, Joe met up with him. Andy said that he wanted to get together before they all went back to school and that he'd be in touch. The next Monday, Andy was riding an ATV at work and was found dead beside it. Sadly, the big get together ended up being his "Celebration of Life". We went to pay our respects to the Mother and brother (Andy's father had died earlier this year as well). Joe was in line watching a slideshow. Some pictures of him and Andy together came up and I think it really hit home that his friend was gone for good. He had to leave. Of course I was a big old blubbering mess by the time I got up to the Mother.

Tony got a job working at a gas station. He also started University and is majoring in business. So far he seems to be like it a lot. He mostly just spent the summer working and fighting with his brothers and sister. :)  And playing house league soccer.

Gabby played rep soccer for the first year. Her team did really well! They ended up first in their league. She also did 6 weeks of Drama camp. Loved it!

Massimo played house league soccer as well. He spent the summer being "Massimo" His catch phrase went from.. "NOT on my Watch!!!" to " Oh HELLLLLL NO!!".. He also became addicted to the show " Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura"..  

What can I say that would possibly top that???
I'm sure that I'll remember more.. and hopefully will be able to come up with some pictures!!!


Darlene said...

I love reading about you and your life. My heart is literally aching right now for the mom who lost her son and husband. :( Life is so fast and crazy and full of ball games and carpools and running, running, running. But it is also so transient. Love you my beautiful friend. <3

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Sounds great, Laura.

I think you need a better digital camera...the good ones now do ALL the work for you! (E.g., Canon G15)

Gorilla Bananas said...

Poor woman, losing her husband and son in the same year. I hope she has the strength to keep going.

Could you post a video of the Masster shouting "Oh HELLLLL NO!"? It would make everyone's day!

Angela said... hand over my mouth as I read about the loss of this young man...

Thank you for sharing your life with us..I soooooooooooooo love being a part of it and 'riding along'...((hugs)).

Furtheron said...

Sorry to hear of Joe's friends death at that age my friend and my to be wife's brother passed on unexpectedly. It is so hard on those left behind. One friend met my wife a while back - all she talked about was Roger over 30 years later.

Football, not soccer! My daughter's boyfriend who is still 27 moved up to men's league and has had some challenging tackles to deal with

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Since our oldest son Joe turned 20 this year (WHAAAA???)...he is now playing in a Men's league. Which, is a whole other ball game from Youth. The second week, he had his big toe broken.. then over the course of the summer, he had both ankles taken out. (by the same asshole team that should be ashamed of themselves!)

The cliche is that soccer is a gentlemen's game played by barbarians.

Unfortunately, one of his close friends was killed at the end of the summer. Joe had known and gone to school with Andy since he was 2 years old. They started pre-school together all the way up to grade 12. About a week before he died, Joe met up with him. Andy said that he wanted to get together before they all went back to school and that he'd be in touch. The next Monday, Andy was riding an ATV at work and was found dead beside it.

That's horrible. At that age, I lost three old friends in one weekend. I was a basket case for a couple of days.

Vee said...

Laura, did you pop in recently? Have you started a new blog? I may be making this up and I can't find it. Let me know!

Yeng said...


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         Yeah its possible!!!😁😁😁


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